Blade, An industrial design studio for brands and luxury items which is based in Geneva

Since 1999

Blade can help

Experience has been accumulated over 15 years in both industrial and graphic design working with the best known Swiss and international brands within the Watchmaking and Jewelry sectors.


Blade’s role

Your desires can be brought to fruition through a commitment on your part to redefine ideas and thus activate the infinite possibilities of creation.



Global recognition in being awarded 1st prize for “Watch design of the year” in 2008 by the general public.


Product Design

The most important part of being a designer is creation which is just the same as the intrigue and curiosity that one has for the world around us. We are able to evolve through technology which influences our lives, our attitudes and is indeed the essential tool which transforms a simple stroke of a crayon on a piece of paper into a product with a design which is not only attractive but also technically innovative

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Graphic Design

“The weight of words, the shock of photos”, a famous slogan of a French newspaper is a philosophy that Blade undoubtedly adheres to in all its graphic design work. In order that a product or brand is recognized and becomes known there can be no effective impact without a strong design. Thus having 360° knowledge about the communication and marketing tools to be used is essential in order to achieve the ever more demanding objectives.

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Feel free to contact us for more information


Blade was founded on 1st February.


The 26 letters of the alphabet were used as a theme running through the marketing strategy of the Axylo jewelry brand.


1st prize for “Watch design of the year 2008” at the watchmaking awards ceremony in Geneva.


Record score with just a single ball playing the 1973 Gottlieb pin-ball machine.
